Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to become part of the foundations of our new clubhouse and help build the future of our club, our youth and our community

We are tremendously fortunate to have received support from the State Government, Bendigo Bank and other generous sponsors of the Port Esperance Sailing Club helping to rebuild our clubhouse.
The construction of a new building is now underway and we currently have funds to get a building to a basic level of occupancy but need an additional $250,000 to complete the fitout. The new clubhouse will provide not only a wonderful facility for sailing activities but as a venue for a wide range of community events and activities. This is a great opportunity to help make it happen and become part of what we hope will become an iconic asset for Dover and the Huon Valley.
We invite your business to sponsor the rebuild by purchasing a set of blocks. A unique plaque will be displayed in the finished clubrooms thanking and naming all of the sponsors and celebrate the collaborative effort in bringing our building back to life.
We have four levels of business sponsorship:
Silver- $500
Gold- $1000
Diamond- $5000
Platinum- $10000
Business sponsorships are subject to addition of GST and claimable.
All contributors will also feature on our supporters page-
Gold level support and above will also feature your business in a spotlight piece on our Facebook page.
If you are a Gold, Diamond or Platinum donor please provide us with your logo.