Junior Sailing at PESC

The PESC Junior Off the Beach sailing course started up again on October 24th and despite the cold,  grey day we had a good turn out of 15 keen young sailors!

The instructors divided the group into two, with the less experienced sailors starting at 0930 in lighter winds, and the more experienced sailors on the water from 10.30 until 1200.

We have averaged 14 young’uns over both sessions each week and the instructors have concentrated on building sailing skills with the majority of the kids now sailing their Optimist dinghies independently.

Capsize drill has continued to be a popular activity at the end of the sessions, which conclude with a de-brief with the instructors about of what the kids have achieved in the session. 

The pre-Christmas season ends  on Sunday 19th December with a BBQ on Rabbit Island.
Sail a dinghy, paddle your kayak, take your own boat, or hitch a ride!
BYO picnic or snags for a BBQ. If you’d like to be involved please get in touch with Matt at commodore@pesc.com.au

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Port Esperance Sailing Club is the southernmost yacht club in Australia. It conducts regular dinghy racing and yacht cruising activities as well as sail-training.

About Us


We are raising funds to rebuild the clubhouse. If you would like to donate, please visit our Fundraising page and help us realise the completion of our club this year!